Welcome to Awakening Through Parenthood

A parental resource for gentle parenting focused on positivity, connection, imperfection and humor

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woman in black dress carrying boy


My parenting journey actually began in the classroom about a decade before I became a mother. I began to see such tangible results from my students by having a calm, positive and predictable environment where mistakes were welcomed and imperfections were embraced. Being a safe place for my students to bring their whole selves to has always been very important to me. I saw how the use of calm, connection and humor created that space for all ages from tiny tots to tweens and young adults.

Once I became a mother, I craved that same level of emotional predictability, positivity, gentleness and connection in my own home. I didn’t realize that what I was doing had a name or that I was considered a #cyclebreaker, let alone that their was a whole community and movement behind it. I began reading books and seeking out any tool I could get my hands on to learn more about gentle and positive parenting. So much of it was very different than the way I was raised, so oftentimes I felt lost or that I was messing up this whole expedition (many days, I still feel this, but I’m finding my way and my voice a bit more each day). 

In 2020, I began to share the parenting information I was discovering and found that it resonated with so many parents that I knew. So in January 2022, I decided to create a space similar to my classroom and home: one of positivity, connection, imperfection and humor. Thank you for joining me over here. I am so excited to be on this wild and crazy journey with you all.

– Nell

Writing Space

Please visit my writing space to find some recent works and inspiration.


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